Discover the Power of Energy Healing: Tune Your Energetic Body

Discover the Power of Energy Healing: Tune Your Energetic Body

Aug 13, 2024

what is energy healing?

Have you ever wondered what energy healing is and how it works? Energy healing can be likened to tuning a piano or guitar, where the goal is to bring our energetic body into harmony. Today, we explore insights from Janell Warkentin, a pioneer in energy healing and founder of, who explains the concept of energy healing and how it can help us achieve better emotional and physical health.

What is Energy Healing?

Energy healing involves tuning our energetic body, much like tuning a musical instrument. Everything is energy, including our thoughts, emotions, and physical body. When our energy becomes out of tune due to various influences, it can lead to feelings of imbalance and discomfort. By understanding how to tune our energy, we can restore harmony and improve our well-being.

Understanding Vibrational Energy

Just like the strings of a piano can become out of tune from loud noises, temperature changes, and time, our energetic body can also be affected by various factors. These include:

  • Negative Influences: Being around negative people or high-energy environments can drain our energy.
  • Diet and Lifestyle: Consuming processed foods, sugar, and artificial additives can lower our vibration.
  • Emotional States: Experiencing anxiety, sadness, or trauma can impact our energy levels.
  • Thought Patterns: Negative self-talk and limiting beliefs can also affect our vibrational frequency.

Becoming Observant

The first step in energy healing is to become observant of what influences your energy. Notice when you feel drained or heavy and identify the sources of these feelings. It could be certain environments, interactions, or even the content you consume. Awareness is key to understanding how your energy is being affected.

Tuning Your Energy

To tune your energy, it is important to engage in practices that raise your vibration. These include:

  • Positive Environment: Surround yourself with positive, uplifting people and environments.
  • Healthy Diet: Consume foods that support your well-being and avoid those that lower your vibration.
  • Emotional Healing: Address and release stored trauma and negative emotions through energy healing techniques.
  • Gratitude and Love: Cultivate feelings of gratitude and love to raise your vibrational frequency.

Practical Insights

  1. Recognize Energy Drains: Identify the sources of negative energy in your life and take steps to minimize their impact.
  2. Engage in Healing Practices: Use techniques like meditation, energy clearing, and grounding to balance your energy.
  3. Cultivate Positive Emotions: Focus on feelings of love and gratitude to naturally raise your vibration.
  4. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eat nutritious foods, stay active, and avoid toxins that can lower your energy.

Your Bridge to Success by Janell Warkentin

Question & Answer

Q: What are common signs that my energy is out of tune?

A: Common signs include feeling drained, heavy, anxious, or experiencing frequent negative emotions. You may also notice physical symptoms like fatigue or digestive issues.

Q: How can I raise my vibration?

A: Engage in practices that promote positive energy, such as spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, meditating, and consuming a healthy diet.

Q: Can energy healing help with physical health?

A: Yes, raising your vibration and balancing your energy can lead to improved physical health, as it promotes overall well-being and helps the body function optimally.

Q: What role does diet play in energy healing?

A: Diet significantly impacts your energy levels. Consuming whole, nutritious foods supports a high vibration, while processed foods and sugars can lower your energy.

Q: How can I start practicing energy healing?

A: Begin by becoming aware of your energy and what influences it. Incorporate daily practices like meditation, grounding, and energy clearing to maintain balance.

Energy healing is a powerful tool for tuning our energetic body and improving our overall well-being. By becoming observant of what affects our energy and engaging in practices that raise our vibration, we can achieve better emotional and physical health. Join Janell Warkentin in her upcoming videos to learn more about energy healing and how to harness its power for your personal growth. Stay tuned for the next part of this series on how to raise your vibration and maintain energetic balance.

If you have any questions—or want to explore energy healing further—contact Janell at [email protected] or visit her website at for more information.
