Empath's Guide to a Vibrant Auric Field

Empath's Guide to a Vibrant Auric Field

Jul 21, 2024

empath's guide to a vibrant auric field

Understanding the layers of your energy field is as important as knowing your physical self. For empaths, maintaining a vibrant auric field is crucial for emotional well-being and effective navigation of the world. Today, we explore insights from Janell Warkentin, a pioneer in energy healing and founder of janellrae.com, who shares techniques to clear your energy, protect your aura, and stay connected to your authentic self.

Understanding Your Energy Field

Janell emphasizes the importance of knowing who you are energetically. Our energy field consists of three layers, each playing a vital role in how we interact with the world and process emotions. Recognizing and maintaining these layers helps us understand our responses and manage our emotional health better.

Janell Rae's Journey

Growing up in the mountains, Janell had a deep connection with animals, where her empathic gifts flourished. However, entering the human world, especially with auditory processing disorder and dyslexia, became overwhelming. She learned to navigate this world by understanding the energetic interactions around her, a skill she now shares with others.

The Three Layers of the Auric Field

  1. Inner Auric Field: This is the closest layer, extending about an arm's length from your body. It is directly connected to your physical functions and represented in colors, each corresponding to different body functions.
  2. Middle Auric Field: This layer encompasses your living space and includes the emotions and energies of your immediate environment. It affects how you feel in different spaces, such as walking into a room and sensing its emotional atmosphere.
  3. Outer Auric Field: This vast layer connects to your mind and heart space, influenced by global and environmental energies. It can impact your emotions and thoughts, often leading to feelings of overwhelm or depression.

Practical Insights

  1. Grounding and Connecting: Begin by grounding yourself and connecting to a higher power or the earth. Take three deep breaths, focusing on your connection to the ground.
  2. Clearing the Layers: Visualize clearing each layer of your auric field. Use imagery that resonates with you, such as cutting cords, seeing bubbles, or washing away energy with water. Allow any non-beneficial energy to be released.
  3. Setting Protective Shields: After clearing, visualize love shields around each layer, filtering out any negative energy and ensuring that only positive, supportive energy enters your field.
  4. Balancing Chakras: Ensure all your chakras are balanced, spinning in the same direction and size. Release any non-beneficial energy from your chakras into the earth or back to its source.

embracing your true self

Question & Answer

Q: How can I tell if my auric field needs clearing?

A: Signs include feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or emotionally drained. Regularly checking in with your energy and using clearing techniques can help maintain balance.

Q: What if I struggle to visualize during the clearing process?

A: Focus on the intention rather than the imagery. Trust that your energy is being cleared and protected, even if you can't see it.

Q: How do I maintain a high vibration in my auric field?

A: Regularly practice grounding, clearing, and balancing. Also, be mindful of your environment, the people you interact with, and the media you consume.

Q: Can these techniques help with physical health?

A: Yes, maintaining a balanced auric field can positively impact your physical health by reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Q: How often should I perform these clearing practices?

A: It varies for each individual, but regularly incorporating these practices into your routine can help maintain a vibrant auric field.

6-week program

Maintaining a vibrant auric field is essential for empaths and those highly sensitive to energy. By understanding and regularly clearing your energy layers, you can protect your well-being and stay connected to your authentic self. Join Janell Warkentin on this journey of self-discovery and energy healing to enhance your emotional and physical health.

If you have any questions—or want to explore energy healing further—contact Janell at [email protected] or visit her website at janellrae.com for more information.

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