Unleash Your Purpose: Discovering the Authentic YOU

Unleash Your Purpose: Discovering the Authentic YOU

Jul 07, 2024

Do you yearn for a life filled with extraordinary meaning and purpose? Many of us strive to connect with our true selves, but often find ourselves feeling disconnected and unsure of our path. Today, we dive into insights from Janell Warkentin, a pioneer in energy healing and founder of janellrae.com, who has dedicated over two decades to helping individuals discover their authentic selves and unique life purposes.

The Journey to Authenticity

How do you know what your purpose work is? How do you achieve that deep feeling of confidence that comes from working within your true purpose? Janell shares her personal journey of discovering her authentic self, a journey that began three to four years ago. Despite her success in various areas, she felt a persistent disconnect from her true self.

Identifying the Disconnect

Janell realized that her disconnection stemmed from early trauma. As a child, she was highly intuitive and empathic, naturally connected to animals. However, her experiences in school were vastly different. The emotional confusion and disconnect she felt from people led to a separation from her gifts. This is a common experience; many of us shut down our gifts due to pain or trauma, creating an emptiness and a wall between our true selves and our current reality.

Reconnecting with Your Gifts

Janell emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with our inner gifts. These gifts are unique to each of us and are essential to our purpose work. By breaking down the barriers created by past traumas, we can begin to uncover and embrace our authentic selves. Janell offers a free class to guide individuals through this transformative process, helping them identify and reconnect with their unique gifts.

Practical Insights

  1. Acknowledge Your Trauma: Understanding that past trauma can create a disconnect from your true self is the first step toward healing.
  2. Recognize Your Gifts: Identify the unique gifts you have, even if they have been suppressed or forgotten.
  3. Take Action: Engage in activities and practices that help you reconnect with your authentic self, such as meditation, journaling, or energy healing.

do you want a life of extraordinary meaning and purpose?

Question & Answer

Q: How can I start identifying my unique gifts?

A: Begin by reflecting on activities or experiences that make you feel most alive and authentic. What comes naturally to you? What brings you joy and fulfillment?

Q: What if I can't remember a time when I felt connected to my gifts?

A: This is common, especially if your gifts were suppressed at a young age. Start with small, daily practices that foster self-awareness and introspection, like meditation or journaling.

Q: How does trauma affect our connection to our authentic selves?

A: Trauma can create emotional barriers and cause us to shut down our gifts as a protective mechanism. Recognizing and healing these traumas is crucial for reconnecting with our true selves.

Q: Can energy healing help in reconnecting with my authentic self?

A: Yes, energy healing can be a powerful tool in releasing emotional blockages and facilitating a deeper connection with your inner gifts and purpose.

Q: What steps can I take to overcome the fear of reconnecting with my gifts?

A: Start by creating a safe and supportive environment for yourself. Surround yourself with positive influences, seek guidance from mentors or healers, and practice self-compassion as you embark on this journey.

Embarking on the journey to discover your authentic self and purpose is a transformative experience. By acknowledging past traumas, recognizing your unique gifts, and taking proactive steps to reconnect with your true self, you can live a life filled with extraordinary meaning and purpose. Join Janell Warkentin's free class to begin this empowering journey and uncover the gifts that make you uniquely you.

class starts on august 2024!

If you have any questions—or want to explore energy healing further—contact Janell at [email protected] or visit her website at janellrae.com for more information.

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