December 2023
Join the multitude of souls who've already begun their journey to clarity. The path to your best self awaits. Welcome to a future where your journey to a clearer, more grounded, and rejuvenated self begins with clarity.
Janell Warkentin, founder and director of Clarity Events, has been a dedicated energy healer and guide for over 20 years. Specializing in helping individuals uncover their intuitive gifts and reconnect with their authentic selves, Janell's work extends from beginners to advanced light workers. Her unique approach includes collaborating with horses, which play a crucial role in activating people's gifts and healing emotional blocks. This method has been instrumental in helping clients develop their talents and gain a competitive edge in business. Janell's mission is to provide clarity and empowerment, enabling others to expand their abilities and embrace their true potential. Join her this June to explore new messages of energy healing and personal transformation.
Misty Slaughter
is a revered shaman and master healer, known for her transformative shamanic work and profound guided meditations. With her teachings, Misty helps individuals shed unneeded beliefs in the fire of transformation, restoring their energy to its most vibrant state. Her unique approach to meditation empowers participants to embark on their journey with renewed clarity and purpose, ready to live their next best steps. Join Misty to experience a deep, transformative process that will elevate your spiritual path and enhance your overall well-being.
This is my message for you all:
"Everything has always been there for you, you just have to open your eyes and look with the heart to find yourself, your path, your true self, your soul. When this process will be activated, the physical healing will be nothing more than a mirror of your inner change, your peace, your harmony. The Energy is within us with all its strength and potential, it is up to us to take the first step and make it flow harmoniously inside."
My mission is “Empowering One Soul at a Time”
My name is Galya Angelova AKA Gail. I’m married and a proud mother of two boys. By profession, I am a Registered Nurse and a healthcare professional for 17 years of which 15 I have served as a Hospice nurse. By life call, I’m a Master level Energy Healing Practitioner, a Spiritual Integration Facilitator, a Healing Touch Practitioner, Channeler, and Custom made Energy Charged Mandala Creator. Through energy healing, I healed my own wounds from childhood, clinically diagnosed anxiety, depression, OCD and workaholic, I vowed to be of service to others who are affected by physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual ailments.
Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. Tom began research with Scalar Energy during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for the father of Scalar Energy research or knowledge, Nikola Tesla. He was also able to study the work of a man Hieronymus who continued research on Scalar Energy. Hieronymus’ major contributions included unbinding the RNA/ DNA bonds of microbes plaguing the agricultural industry (rendering them harmless).
Breanna is an esthetician, a gifted healer and medicine woman that's focused on awakening us to our truest self and healing at the soul level to find pureness in life. Healing with the hands, ancient techniques, ancient wisdom, instruments, sacred geometry and the voice to change our life in profound ways through vibration and love. To reach higher levels of consciousness and happiness. Healing with intention and the power of frequency, transmuting what no longer serves us, reminding us of our true essence of who we really are and the power we have to heal and change ourselves.
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